The Tomkinsons of Liverpool

Contractors of repute from

A family history in construction
John Tomkinson and his life was the incentive I had to start this website, having not realised his importance until after I had retired. He is a strange mixture of the known and unknown, the entrepreneur and the naïve. Was he involved with the Foster era and its brushes with morality? He erected a significant monument to his foreman stonemason which survives to this day along with his major work, St Georges Hall, Liverpool. He was a deacon in  the Unitarian Church, a builder of chapels, a modest but not self effacing man.
So I have tried to elicit some facts as well as recording what I can about the family history in construction.
If you have anything to add, please get in touch

This site is under development. If you want to get in touch email here

Associate companies

Merseyside Plumbing Company

MPC International


aka Liverpool Decs


Structural Fire Protection